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- WWWFZS MotherboardsX99 Dual Server Computer Motherboard LGA2011-3 CPU DDR4 Memory Game Mainboard Module,Fit for in-Tel,Gaming Motherboard,Computer Mot
ストーブ, シューズ, フロアライト, 机上アクセサリー
WWWFZS MotherboardsX99 Dual Server Computer Motherboard LGA2011-3 CPU DDR4 Memory Game Mainboard Module,Fit for in-Tel,Gaming Motherboard,Computer Mot
・automated system-wide tuning, providing overclocking and cooling profiles that are tailor made for your premium components for maximum endurance.
・rocessors to maximize connectivity and speed for better overclocking stability,Optimization that has the intelligence to overclock,based on smart prediction and thermal telemetry.
・Careful routing of traces and vias, plus ground layer optimizations to preserve signal integrity for improved memory overclockingOver
・Optimized Thermal Design: Enlarged VRM heatsinks plus integrated aluminum I/O cover, high-conductivity thermal pad, quad M.2 heatsinks with embedded backplates and ROG Water-Cooling Zone
Fit for In-tel
100% brand new and high quality
Integrated chip sound card/card, Integrated RTL8111H gigabit nics,Audio integration 6 channel sound chip.
Two electrical outlets, 8 needle, a 24 pin power interface.
CPU support for routine LG2011-3 series models.
X99 dual theory support to the maximum amount of memory is 512 g = 64 g * 8.
When using a CPU, must be installed in position (# 1), in the main memory and CPU power supply must also be connected to a main location (# 1), if this is not the case will not be able to correctly identify and work.
Motherboard only, other accessories demo in the picture are not included
Material: metal
Size: 28.1x29.5cm/11.06x11.6in
Motherboard chip: for Intel-X99
CPU platform: for-Intel
CPU slot: LGA 2011-3
Memory type: DDR4 3000/2666/2400/2133MHz
Memory slot: 8×DDR4 DIMM
Expansion slots: PCI-E slot 2×PCI-E X16, PCI-E slot 2xPCI-E X1, 2x USB3.0 header(1group), 2x USB2.0 header(1group), 6xSATA3.0 interface, 2xNVME M.2 interface
I/O: PS/2 Keyboard or common interface, 1×RJ45The net-work interface (gigabit nics), 4xUSB 2.0 interface, 4xUSB 3.0 interface, Audio interface
Power supply mode: 6+6
Quantity: 1 PC
Package Includes:
1 x Motherboard
カテゴリー: マザーボード
高さ: 0.0 センチ
幅: 0.0 センチ
奥行: 0.0 センチ
重量: 0.0 Kg
X99 Dual Socket Server Motherboard Mainboard FCLGA2011-3 For
Atermiter X99 Dual Cpu Motherboard Lga 2011 V3 E-atx Usb3.0
: Desktop Motherboard, LGA 2011-3 Dual Socket
ASUS X99 Motherboards - NEW Intel® Core™ i7 Processors
: SHANGZHAOYUAN X99 Dual CPU Motherboard LGA 2011
ASUS X99 Motherboards - NEW Intel® Core™ i7 Processors
MACHINIST X99 Dual CPU Processor Motherboard LGA 2011-3 Support Intel Xeon E5 V3 \u0026 V4 DDR4 RAM Memory Eight-Channel X99 D8 MAX
MACHINIST X99 Dual CPU Motherboard LGA 2011-3 Support Dual Xeon Processor and Dual M.2 Slot 8 DDR4 RAM USB3.0 X99 D8 MAX
クチコミ評価(4.7 / 1013件)
- ハナ1213
- クチコミ投稿 1件
- kannsikunn
- クチコミ投稿 1件
以前ザラホームにて買ったクッションカバーのサイズのヌードが無くて探していたところやっと見つかりました。 まさかの子供用枕とは。。。。 物凄く助かりました!!
- ランラン★
- クチコミ投稿 1件
届いて直ぐに、内装の一部に試してみました。 本当にキレイに落ちます! 休みの日に、内装全部のクリーニングを予定です。
- コーチン1989
- クチコミ投稿 1件
すごく楽しめます。 大人がガチでやるレベルのおもちゃです。 商品箱にはレベル別の積み上げ例があり、レベル5はめちゃくちゃ難しいです。何か月かかることか・・・。 子ども用として買ったのですが、子どもには難しそうです。
- mayumayun0444
- クチコミ投稿 1件
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